Sunday, May 05, 2024

Welcome to

Welcome to true empowerment!

Here at suijuris we believe in building a strong foundation in order to succeed. First, we must have a healthy, free, open rational mind, free of toxins and blockage, a mind clear and focused, a mind seeking what  is true what is fact not settling for mere truth , having a  true thirst for knowledge. Second, we must strive for a body free of dis-ease, toxins, and the lies of mainstream medicine, with their punch out the oil light mentality . Third, we pursue, a spirit released from the confusion of religion, full of light and love and healthy beliefs. Our vision: A foundation of man and woman in their full dominion, fully versed in lawful remedy, living free with their beliefs, following the laws of free will, without causing harm to their fellow man. We embrace and welcome: peace, love, honor, and respect.

Join us live at - a secure, stand alone, private chat where we keep our right to communicate freely and learn the truth in Private as a wo/man. You will feel real freedom when you don't have to look over your shoulder when communicating!  For this reason, we believe that security and privacy can bring people the freedom to share their thoughts and ideas. 50.00 per year or use our above link and save 5.00 dollars per year membership for suijuris members

The true will set you free. Come with us as we unleash the power of uncommon sense in a very lost world of little common sense. Come learn the secrets of true remedy for dis-ease, that  mainstream says there are  no cures for. Release your spirit with the knowledge that  less then 1 percent of this planet know about. Finally know what the holy books from around the world are all really telling you.  Learn  how to be free by learning  law common to i, with more secrets and overstanding on  how courts really work and  what they hoped you would never find out. Join us and watch judges and lawyers scatter when you bring forth law, not codes and legal-ease. Watch complaints disappear third party debt collectors run.   This and so many other AH HA! moments will be shared with like minded man and woman like you, who get it! You are not alone anymore. Restore your status as a [wo]man! with our documents.

Sign up today and find out what awaits you on the other side.

We will be adding content to the site weekly, so be sure to check back regularly for updates. Believe in the synchronization of your experience, because you are in the right place at the right time! Don't miss out on what's in store!

sui juris - of one's own right. This includes full access to mind body spirit and lawful  remedy learning sections, as well as weekly private calls for members. However private one on one consult  and lawful docs are extra.

"YOU say well give me an example of knowledge is power ,ok remember this situation... License, Registration, and Insurance please."  Most of us have been face-to-face with police spouting this order to us at least once in our lifetime.  It's never a convenient time, we are heading somewhere and expect to get there unencumbered.  What if you could send a bill for the orders you perform?  When we experience this intrusion, many of us get that surge of blood pressure and increased heart rate.  Well, it's a biological fact that fear and excitement result in the same effect to the body, the same chemicals and hormones are released into our bodies.  Our perception of our environment determines whether it is fear or excitement we feel.  If we perceive the police as the public sevants they are, who work for us  as man and woman,  and when we know how to hold them accountable for any trespass, we very quickly stop  being intimidated, thinking we have no power. But instead  we  know the rules  that our public servants  have to follow towards a man  , Now with this knowledge you  perceive yourself as the one with the power your confidence soars and , you will feel excitement, not fear. we practice peace and harmony. WE DO NOT WAR! If you have a vendetta, this is not the site for you.

Here, at, we believe the man and or woman who at times acts as government,agents the police and the court system are the gatekeepers, that they are great at preventing those who do not know from penetrating it! Only wo/man can cause you harm, only a wo/man can be held liable and accountable.  It becomes a war if you act as a person in their courts!  Is there another world behind all the tricky and deceit?  Yes!  Once you know it, you will just see how they are keeping out the ones not playing their game.  A wo/man who knows who s/he is, deals ONLY with other wo/men to seek remedy, not with a fiction.  Settling a disagreement wo/man to wo/man, is done in a different type of court than you have been taught.  We are not plaintiffs or defendants; legal fictions.  For example,  wo/man in his/er court makes it between a wo/man and a wo/man seeking remedy by claim not complaint .

As a result of our ignorance, we have been giving away our property, our labor, our life energy to foreign agents and corporations. We we're led to believe we could find remedy by filing a complaint. Those who complain, and who file complaints as a legal fictions,will quickly find out this will get them nowhere most times.  When it's a wo/man in his/er court, against another wo/man they have nowhere to hide. 

Here, at, we are devoted to teaching and providing tools to our members that give you back the power that has been withheld from you through trickery and deceit to diminish your status.  We can teach you how to operate both your Person and your status as a wo/man. We show how to recognize when it benefits you to operate your Person and when it causes you harm so you can stand in your full power as a wo/man.

We, as living beings, as wo/men, are not here to make anyone feel inferior, lost or intimidated.  We want to empower all of you with the gift of the knowledge we share, there are NO stupid questions!  We offer a wealth of knowledge covering many facets of our experience from the spiritual to the medical, the financial to the lawful and much more to help you attain the next level.  We explain our material like you have never heard it before, even if you are an avid truther!  We want to be there for you through your ascension process and be the loving, caring, and guiding hands we all need now and again to raise us up in the dualistic world.  We also strongly encourage members to bring forth new ideas and thoughts, be it spiritual, medical, esoteric, engineering, creating communities; you name it!

Because we are dedicated to your empowerment, we believe it's only fair to tell you that although what we teach breaks down very simply, we do not provide "fast-track" remedies although fast and simple is the name of the game when you are well informed.  We provide knowledge and tools to apply said knowledge to your everyday life, but only you are responsible for your education.  Our templates are designed as a tool to apply your knowledge!  Therefore, it is "imperative" to be appropriately educated and confident in who you are and what you are attempting to accomplish as a wo/man, not a legal fiction we all know so well.

Our Mission:

To bring forth simple and effective methodologies founded in the "law common to i" methodology, for the resolution of the many hurdles we face today, while being at peace with all wo/men and legal fictions.

Sign Up Today For Free!

Sign up today and download our free introductory call! Find out if we're right for you. If you resonate with our teachings and the community vibe of our members, we emplore you join as a full member!

Our Full Member Price is only $200.00 Per Year!

Full members get access to all of the resources located within our website:

- All past calls
- All templates are now included! This includes claims, "law common to i", and status correction
- All educational materials
- All weekly calls 
- The full curriculum
- The document store
- The "law common to i" Methodology
- The differece between Law vs Legal
- The Body, Mind and Spirit healing sections
- Topics and remedies that everone else is afraid to talk about!

Accelerate your learning today by becoming a full member!
